Promo Codes and emails, oh my!

Do yourself and your inbox a favor and join the Leisure Nation today. Our goal is to not spam your inbox but to send you content that matters to you. Till we speak again, check our social media account and this page, and your inbox for awesome content and deals. Cheers! Drink Easy - Drink Responsibly - Drink Leisuremann's

Become a member of the ABV Network Crew Club for added discounts year round.

We are all about supporting small businesses so why the hell not give back when we can? Become a member of the ABV network and reap the benefits of not just discounts on your favorite cocktail mixed drink brand but also distilleries and brands from around the country.


To those who have served and are serving…we Thank you!

If you are serving or have served in our Armed Forces please feel free to use code MILITARY10 for 10% off your next order. Thank you for your service and all you do to keep our country free, safe, and protected. Cheers!

To those who are first to the scene when tragedy strikes… we Thank you!

If you are a First Responder please feel free to use code FIRSTRESPONDER10 for 10% off your next order. Thank you for your continued service to making our communities, towns, and lives safer. Cheers!

To those who HELP US WHEN WE ARE SICK & IN NEED… we Thank you!

If you are a Healthcare Professional please feel free to use code HEALTHCARE10 for 10% off your next order. Thank you for kicking ass, saving lives, and in the words of Doogie Howser, M.D. - “You Rock!”. Cheers!

To those who Help us leArn to reed, rite, and do Numbers, LOL!

If you are a teacher or former educator feel free to use code TEACHER10 for 10% off your next order. Thank you for doing your part to make sure that the world is full or educated humans that will not screw everything up.


During certain times of the year, we activate our CHEERS2TEN & CONGRATSON20 codes. These times are purely at random and frankly we don’t even know when they will occur. So…we triple-dog dare you to try them and see if they work!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Black Friday, Cyber monday, & cocktailmas only happens once a year better save while you can.